Sunday 13 June 2010

My Top 5 Video Game Characters.

5) Mario

Mario is in this list purely for his iconic value. Oh, and his moustache.

4) Cole

Cole is pretty awesome. I mean, he can shoot lightning... from his hands! Cole is a pretty disturbed character, what with all what happened to him, but he is pretty cool.

3) Link

Again, Link has high iconic value. But he is pretty darn awesome. I love how he is mute, I think it adds to the character. Also, the way that he can just cut through wave after wave of enemies is worthy of a mention.

2) Sora

Whilst playing both Kingdom Hearts and Kingdom Hearts 2 you really feel connected to Sora and you are dragged into the story. I mean, this guy travels worlds to save his friends. Also, he fights monsters with a giant key, with only a dog and a duck for help. That is pretty impressive.

1) Nathan Drake

Drake is a bit of a cringe-worthy character, but that's why he's so great. He's rather funny, and his wit really makes the Uncharted games.
So, this is my blog. I shall be posting on here about random stuff every so often about things that interest me, annoy me, entertain me etc. Also, this is good practice for my writing, as I want to be an author.

Anyway, I suppose I should tell you a bit about myself. I'm Jack. I'm 16. I like video gaming, reading, writing, I'm an animal lover, I'm obsessed with Pokemon. My favourite film is Lord of the Rings. My favourite book is Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. My favourite game is Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion.

Enjoy my blog.